Kinesiology tape became a widespread phenomena during the exposure of the 2012 Summer Olympics when human athletes used it for rehabilitation, prevention and training. It was soon enough that a product with a history displayed of successful use in the human world of athletics became apart of the equine community as well. However, the mechanism by which Equi-Tape affects the body is different from that of non-elastic athletic tape that compresses the tissue. Whereas Equi-Tape is designed to work with the animals coat and skin associated with neurosensory and mechanoreceptors thereby decompressing the tissue allowing for increased circulation. The lifting principle behind the decompression impacts how pain receptors respond to messages associated with swelling and/or inflammation.
There are many benefits to Equi-Tape whether it’s a training application or a relaxation application, it will aid in: supporting joints, ligaments and tendons allowing for a full range of motion, assists muscle movement or relaxes muscle tension reducing fatigue, facilitate recovery and healing, decreases recovery time, decreases swelling, inflammation & associated pain, decreases muscle spasm. It increases blood and lymph flow, decreases toxins & metabolic waste buildup to help muscles work more efficiently.